When carrying out excavations amongst existing cables, the route and installation depth of these cables is often unclear. This is one of the reasons that suppliers of all media insist that work in the immediate vicinity of supply cables is carried out by hand. However, this often cannot be done cost-effectively. Every day, contractors are faced with the decision of whether to make extensive use of hydraulic excavators or to opt for safety by using manual labour – at a high price. The safest and most economical alternative to manual excavation is the use of a suction excavator.

An example of working with suction excavators is the rapid and economical production of connections to properties for all media. The use of suction technology enables the trench to be excavated selectively and therefore with minimal spoil, which considerably reduces the subsequent costs. Traffic obstruction is significantly reduced as a result of the smaller surface area required and the considerably shorter construction time.

In the event of an emergency, the air stream is immediately cut off by the gate valve which is fitted to every RSP machine. Suction distances up to 15 m vertically and up to 50 m horizontally can be achieved with this equipment depending on the material.

Whether in the production of start and finish trenches, the extraction of pentonite or as an important component in the modern keyhole process, the suction excavator can also be used effectively in trench-free cable installation.

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October 1-3, 2019
Louisville, KY